Organic Grain Hub
Hub des céréales bio
The Organic Grain Hub makes it easier for organic grain growers to connect with buyers while giving them the market intelligence they need to succeed in a competitive business environment. See our price list and directory below.
Latest Prices
Prices as of: February 4, 2025 at 09:04 (UTC)
Crop | Location | Median | Price Range | Units | # |
Barley Feed Del | BC | $ 480.00 | $ 480.00 - 480.00 | MT | 1 |
Barley Feed FOB | AB/SK | $ 7.12 | $ 7.12 - 7.12 | bu | 1 |
Beans Black | SK | $ 0.80 | $ 0.80 - 0.80 | lbs | 1 |
Beans Black ROC | SK | $ 0.90 | $ 0.90 - 0.90 | lbs | 1 |
Beans Navy | MB | $ 1.00 | $ 1.00 - 1.00 | lbs | 1 |
Beans Pinto | SK | $ 0.80 | $ 0.80 - 0.80 | lbs | 1 |
Buckwheat | QC | $ 819.00 | $ 819.00 - 819.00 | MT | 1 |
Canola Meal Feed | BC | $ 1015.00 | $ 1015.00 - 1015.00 | MT | 1 |
Chickpeas Del | SK | $ 1.25 | $ 1.25 - 1.25 | lbs | 1 |
Chickpeas FOB | SK | $ 0.90 | $ 0.90 - 0.90 | lbs | 1 |
Corn Meal Feed | US | $ 424.27 | $ 424.27 - 424.27 | MT | 1 |
Corn Yellow Feed | QC | $ 407.00 | $ 407.00 - 407.00 | MT | 1 |
Corn Yellow Feed | ON | $ 364.16 | $ 354.31 - 374.00 | MT | 2 |
Corn Yellow Feed | BC | $ 565.00 | $ 565.00 - 565.00 | MT | 1 |
Corn Yellow Feed Del | US | $ 10.99 | $ 8.99 - 14.01 | bu | 4 |
Corn Yellow Feed FOB | US | $ 9.70 | $ 8.77 - 10.20 | bu | 4 |
Flax Brown | MB/SK | $ 51.00 | $ 49.00 - 52.50 | bu | 4 |
Flax Brown Feed | SK | $ 46.00 | $ 44.00 - 48.00 | bu | 2 |
Flax Golden Feed | SK | $ 48.00 | $ 48.00 - 48.00 | bu | 1 |
Hemp | MB/SK | $ 1.57 | $ 1.50 - 1.85 | lbs | 3 |
Hemp | QC | $ 1.41 | $ 1.41 - 1.41 | lbs | 1 |
Lentils Beluga | SK | $ 1.05 | $ 1.05 - 1.05 | lbs | 1 |
Lentils Black NC25 | AB | $ 1.03 | $ 1.03 - 1.03 | lbs | 1 |
Lentils French Green | MB/SK | $ 1.10 | $ 1.05 - 1.15 | lbs | 2 |
Lentils French Green NC25 | AB | $ 0.88 | $ 0.88 - 0.88 | lbs | 1 |
Lentils French Green ROC | SK | $ 1.30 | $ 1.30 - 1.30 | lbs | 1 |
Lentils Green | SK | $ 2.15 | $ 2.15 - 2.15 | lbs | 1 |
Lentils Large Green | SK | $ 1.18 | $ 1.05 - 1.30 | lbs | 2 |
Lentils Red | SK | $ 1.00 | $ 1.00 - 1.00 | lbs | 1 |
Lentils Red ROC | SK | $ 1.10 | $ 1.10 - 1.10 | lbs | 1 |
Mixed Grains | QC | $ 475.00 | $ 475.00 - 475.00 | MT | 1 |
Oats | n AB | $ 8.50 | $ 8.50 - 8.50 | bu | 1 |
Oats Del | MB | $ 10.88 | $ 10.75 - 11.00 | bu | 2 |
Oats Del | SK | $ 10.00 | $ 10.00 - 10.00 | bu | 1 |
Oats Feed | QC | $ 6.63 | $ 6.63 - 6.63 | bu | 1 |
Oats GF Del | SK | $ 10.75 | $ 10.75 - 10.75 | bu | 1 |
Oats GF FOB | AB/SK | $ 10.50 | $ 10.50 - 10.50 | bu | 1 |
Oats GF ROC | SK | $ 12.00 | $ 12.00 - 12.00 | bu | 1 |
Peas Feed | SK | $ 21.50 | $ 21.50 - 21.50 | bu | 1 |
Peas Feed | BC | $ 23.27 | $ 23.27 - 23.27 | bu | 1 |
Peas Green | Prairie | $ 24.00 | $ 22.00 - 24.25 | bu | 3 |
Peas Yellow | n AB | $ 19.50 | $ 19.00 - 20.00 | bu | 3 |
Peas Yellow Del | MB/SK | $ 24.00 | $ 24.00 - 24.00 | bu | 1 |
Peas Yellow FOB | Prairie | $ 21.50 | $ 18.00 - 23.00 | bu | 11 |
Rye Fall Feed | SK | $ 8.00 | $ 8.00 - 8.00 | bu | 1 |
Soybean Feed | ON | $ 26.75 | $ 26.50 - 27.00 | bu | 2 |
Soybean Feed | QC | $ 28.58 | $ 28.58 - 28.58 | bu | 2 |
Soybean Feed Del | US | $ 29.82 | $ 27.30 - 33.05 | bu | 4 |
Soybean Feed FOB | US | $ 26.94 | $ 26.94 - 26.94 | bu | 1 |
Soybean Meal | BC | $ 1500.00 | $ 1500.00 - 1500.00 | MT | 1 |
Soybean Meal | US | $ 1184.69 | $ 1161.83 - 1207.54 | MT | 2 |
Spelt | QC | $ 0.66 | $ 0.66 - 0.66 | lbs | 1 |
Spelt | SK | $ 1.15 | $ 1.15 - 1.15 | lbs | 1 |
Wheat | US | $ 18.32 | $ 16.88 - 19.76 | bu | 2 |
Wheat Durum | AB/SK | $ 19.00 | $ 19.00 - 19.00 | bu | 1 |
Wheat Feed | US | $ 8.13 | $ 8.13 - 8.13 | bu | 1 |
Wheat Feed | ON | $ 10.40 | $ 10.40 - 10.40 | bu | 1 |
Wheat Feed | AB/BC | $ 16.32 | $ 16.00 - 16.63 | bu | 2 |
Wheat Feed | QC | $ 11.54 | $ 11.54 - 11.54 | bu | 1 |
Wheat Hard Red Spring | Prairie | $ 18.00 | $ 16.00 - 20.50 | bu | 13 |
Wheat Hard Red Spring | n AB | $ 16.50 | $ 16.50 - 16.50 | bu | 1 |
Wheat Soft Red Winter | ON | $ 12.00 | $ 12.00 - 12.00 | bu | 1 |
Wheat Soft White | Prairie | $ 14.50 | $ 13.75 - 15.00 | bu | 5 |
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Buyer Directory
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Featured Buyer

Columbia Seed
Vauxhall, AB
Peas (yellow, green, Marrowfat), faba bean, flax

Featured Buyer

Farinart Inc.
St-Liboire, QC | St-Guillaume, QC
Wheat (Durum, soft, red fife, emmer), rye grains, buckwheat, spelt, oats, barley, sunflower, pumpkin, sorghum, millet, flax (brown, yellow), soybean, hemp, amaranth, Khorasan

Featured Buyer
Fieldstone Organics
Armstrong, BC
Wheat (Emmer, Einkorn, Red Fife, hard red spring, hard red winter, hard white, soft white, Durum), Khorasan, barley, oats, rye, triticale, corn, flax, buckwheat, peas, chickpeas, lentils (black beluga, French Green, green, red, large green), beans, oats, rye, spelt, peas (yellow, green), triticale

Featured Buyer

GrainCorp Operations Limited
Wheat (hard red spring, soft white winter, Emmer, Einkorn), spelt, Khorasan, peas (yellow, green, split), buckwheat, flax (golden, brown), lentils (small green, black beluga, French Green, large green, red), soybeans (seed, meal, oil), corn, canola (seed, meal), sunflower (kernels, meal, oil), chickpeas, rye, screenings

Featured Buyer

Grasslands Brokerage & Consulting Ltd.
Across Saskatchewan and Alberta
Barley (malt, milling), oats, rye, wheat (Durum, einkorn, hard red spring, khorasan, soft white, spelt), flax (brown, golden), hemp, mustard (brown, oriental, yellow), lentils (black, Estons, French Green, large green, red, Richleas, split red), peas (forage, green, yellow) Feed: barley, DDG, pellets, soymeal.

Featured Buyer

Sunrise Foods International
Saskatoon, SK | Alexander, MB
Wheat (Durum, Khorasan, hard red spring, soft white spring), oats, flax (golden, brown), lentils (French green, black, green, large green, small green, red), mustard (brown, yellow, oriental), peas (green, yellow, split), barley, soybean, spelt, canola (seed, meal, oil), chickpeas, rye, screenings, faba beans, triticale

Featured Buyer

TA Foods Ltd.
Yorkton, Saskatchewan
Flax, camelina, canola, hemp

Featured Buyer

Weinlaeder Seed Company
Drayton, ND | Oslo, MN
Oats (hulless), flax, wheat (hard red spring), buckwheat, soybean, mustard, canola, barley, oats
1847 Stone Milling
Fergus, On
Wheat (emmer, einkorn, red fife, hard red spring, soft red winter), rye, oats, spelt, Khorasan
Abbott Blackstone
Clearwater, FL
Flax, pumpkin, hemp, sunflower (black oilseed type), oats, quinoa (white, black, red), millet, sesame
Adagio Acres
Lundar, MB
Beans (black, navy, pinto), buckwheat, chickpeas, corn, flax, lentils, oats (naked)
Adams Grain Company
Arbuckle, CA | Woodland, CA
Screenings, barley (black, hull-less), corn (blue, yellow, popcorn), flax (brown, buckwheat, wheat (Emmer, hard red spring, hard red winter, hard white, soft white spring), quinoa, amaranth, sorghum, safflower, sunflower, millet (white), rye, soybean (black and clear hilum), spelt, triticale
ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Company)
Fargo, ND | Lincoln, NE
Wheat, amaranth, beans (black Turtle, mung), barley, buckwheat, flax (brown, yellow), hemp, sunflower, lentils (green, black beluga), oats, millet (hulled), sorghum, rye, quinoa (white Bolivian, tri-colour, white, red)
Adroit Overseas Enterprises Ltd.
Surrey, BC
Canola, peas, flax, chickpeas, lentils, millet, mustard, oats, canary seed, wheat
Agricom International Ltd.
North Vancouver, BC
Lentils (red, French green, black), peas (yellow, green), beans, chickpeas, millet, canary seed, sunflower, canola, flax
AGT Foods
Minot, ND
Peas (yellow, green), chickpeas, faba bean, lentils (red, green)
Albert Lea Seed House, Inc.
Albert Lea, MN | Ames, IA
Hemp, buckwheat, sorghum, barley (spring, winter), peas (Austrian winter, field), beans (faba, pinto), rye (winter, hybrid winter), flax, millet (Japanese, proso), soybeans, canola (Polish), wheat (hard red spring, Einkorn, soft red winter), screenings, spelt, triticale (spring), oats, sunflowers
All Star Trading
Schaumburg, IL
Barley, corn (blue, hominy feed), canola (meal, seed), peas, flax (meal, seed), screening, millet, mixed grains, sorghum, oats (hulled), peas (feed), quinoa, rye, soybeans (feed, food, hulls), sesame (meal, oil), spelt, sunflower (meal, seed, oil), wheat, wheat midds, flax (meal)
Alliance Zone Inc.
Longueuil | QC
Barley, canola (seed, meal, unrefined oil), chickpeas, faba beans, Flax (brown, golden), Khorasan, Lentils (red, yellow, small green), mustard (brown, oriental, yellow), peas (green, yellow), wheat (soft white spring, hard red spring, Durum), triticale, spelt, soybean, screenings, rye
Amrit Foods Enterprises Inc.
Surrey, BC
Lentils, corn (popcorn), quinoa (black, red, white)
Anchor Ingredients
Fargo, ND | Culbertson, MT
Barley, chickpeas, flax (brown, golden), lentils (green, red, black), peas (green, yellow), oats
Anita's Organic Mill
Chilliwack, BC
Barley, beans (navy), buckwheat, hemp, corn (popcorn), wheat (einkorn, emmer, red fife, soft white, hard red spring, durum), flax (brown, golden), Khorasan, lentils (French green, green), millet, oats, peas (green, yellow), quinoa, rye, spelt, sunflowers
Ardent Mills
Saskatoon, SK | Klamath Falls, OR | Tualatin, OR | Denver, CO | Shelby, MT | Steptoe, WA | Yuba City, CA
Wheat (hard red spring, hard red winter, hard white, soft white), spelt, beans (pinto, black, white, navy, black turtle), chickpeas, faba bean, barley (berries), lentils, buckwheat (groats, berries), oats, flax (brown), quinoa (Bolivian white, Bolivian red, Bolivian tricolor), screenings, triticale, wheat midds, millet, peas
Arjazon Seed Trading
Fort Macleod, AB
Lentils (black -beluga, crimson, Eston - small green, French green, green, laird, red, richlea), hemp, flax, peas
Avafina Organics Inc.
Coquitlam, BC
Sunflower, beans (adzuki, baby lima, black, black-eyed peas, navy, white kidney, mung, dark red kidney, pinto), buckwheat, flax (brown, golden), hemp, lentils (French green, green, red, black beluga, Eston), millet, oats, peas (green, yellow), corn (popcorn), quinoa (white, red, black, tri-colour), sorghum, soybeans (food), sunflower, wheat (Emmer), spelt
Avena Foods
Regina, SK | Rowatt, SK
Oats, peas (yellow, feed), lentils (large green, medium green, small green, French green, large yellow, medium yellow, small yellow, large red, medium red, small red), beans (black, navy), chickpeas (Kabuli, Desi)
B.O.L.D. Agriculture Partnership
Contrecoeur, Quebec
Barley, buckwheat, corn, mixed grain, oats, peas, rye, soybean, wheat
Bassé Frères Alimentation Orientale (2013) Inc. (Bassé Nuts)
Laval, QC
Bay State Milling
Maricopa County, AZ | Winona County, MN | Platteville, CO | Sterling, CO |Will County, IA | Woodland, CA
Millet, amaranth, corn (popcorn, purple, yellow), buckwheat, wheat (hard red winter, soft red winter, soft white winter, Durum), flax (brown, golden), quinoa, barley, lentils, oats (naked), chickpea, sorghum, beans (black)
Beechwood Agri Services
Parkhill, ON | Ailsa Craig, ON | Arkona, ON
Barley, beans (black turtle, white kidney), corn (blue, yellow), peas, rye, soybean, spelt, wheat (hard red winter, soft red winter, soft white winter), buckwheat, oats, rye
Beland Organic Foods
Quebec, QC
Amaranth, barley, buckwheat, flax (brown, golden), millet, oats, corn (popcorn), quinoa, rye (fall), spelt, sunflower, wheat (hard red spring, soft), beans (adzuki, black eyed peas, black turtle, Great northern, lima, pinto, red kidney), lentils (French green, green, Eston, black, red), chickpeas, peas (green, yellow), soybean (clear hilum), mustard, sunflower, canola
Belisle Solution Nutrition
St-Mathias-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
Feed: Corn, mixed grain, soybeans (oil, meal), wheat
Better Basics Milling Company Ltd.
Foothills, AB
Wheat (Red Fife, hard red spring)
Bonfoin Bongrain inc.
St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
Barley, beans, buckwheat, soybeans, lentils, corn, mixed grains, oats, peas, rye, triticale, spelt, wheat
Bradner Farms Organic Feed Mill
Abbotsford | BC
Soybeans, canola, rye, barley, corn, oats
Broadgrain Commodities Inc.
Seaforth | ON
Beans (adzuki, black, dark red kidney, mung, Great Northern, green - Laird type, light speckled kidney - cranberry, navy, pinto), barley, soybean (black, meal), buckwheat, chickpeas, wheat (Durum, hard red spring, hard white winter, soft red winter), hemp, flax (brown, golden), lentils (French green, red), pumpkin, spelt, sunflower, peas (green, yellow)
California Cereal Products Inc.
Oakland, CA
Corn, sorghum, quinoa (red), wheat, millet
Canada Malting
Red Deer County, AB | Oak River, MB | Beiseker, AB | Waitrous, SK
Barley (malting)
Canadian Organic Feeds Ltd.
Chilliwack, BC
Feed: barley, canola, corn, soybean, flax, wheat
Cashton Farm Supply Ltd.
Cashton, WI
Feed: corn, oats, wheat, sobeans, flax, peas, rye, barley
Céréales Charlevoix inc.
Baie-Saint-Paul, QC
Oats, wheat (durum), Khorasan, mixed cereals, hemp, spelt, barley, peas (green, yellow), buckwheat, rye (spring), soybean
St-Urbain-Premier, QC | Napierville, QC, Contrecoeur, QC | St-Albert, ON
Barley, buckwheat, corn, soybean, mixed grains, oats, peas, rye, wheat
Champlain Valley Milling Corp.
Willsboro, NY
Wheat (hard red spring, soft white winter, Emmer), barley, buckwheat, corn, rye, flax, spelt, millet, oats, sunflower
Clarkson Grain Company
Cerro Gordon, IL | Mattoon, IL
Corn (Indigo blue, white, yellow, waxy dent, red), soybeans, oats, screenings
Columbia Grain DBA Enrich Foods
Choteau, MT | Havre, MT | Chinook, MT | Cochrane, WI
Peas (green), mustard, flax, beans (pinto, black), wheat, lentils (red, green), quinoa, barley, canola, rye, wheat (dark northern spring, Durum, hard red winter), corn
Commercial Lynks Inc.
Vancouver, BC | Alexandria, Virginia | Ledger, MT
Chickpeas, lentils
Consolidated Grain and Barg Co.
Covington, LA | St. Louis, MO | Connersville, IN | Princeton, IN | Waterloo, IN | Carthage, IL | Fayette, IA | Dwight, IL | Jeffersonville, IN | Aurora, IN | Van Buran, AR | Gladstone, IL
Corn (white, yellow, hominy), soybean (meal), wheat, oats, barley, rye, canola (meal), sunflower (meal - pelletized), peas
Broxburn, AB; Lethbridge, AB, Saskatoon, SK
Barley, canola, chickpeas, corn, flax, lentils, faba beans, mustard, oats, peas, rye, triticale, wheat (Durum, hard red spring)
Crux Ingredients
Lentils (green, red, black beluga, Eston, brown, French Green, Laird, red football, yellow), peas (green, yellow), canola (meal, oil), soybeans, quinoa, sorghum, flax (brown, golden, oil, meal), oats, beans (adzuki, black, black turtle, pinto, dark red kidney, cannellini, white kidney, Great Northern, navy), chickpeas, hemp (oil), pumpkin (oil), canary seeds, barley, faba beans, buckwheat, corn, millet, sorghum, safflower, quinoa, wheat (Khorasan)
Cullen's Foods Ltd.
Guelph, Ontario
Beans (black, dark red kidney, navy, black turtle, cranberry, white kidney), lentils (green), chickpeas
DeLong Company Inc.
Avalon, WI | Sharon, WI | Joliet, IL | Clinton, WI | Manchester, NY
Feed: Barley, corn (blue, popcorn, white, yellow, cracked), screenings, sorghum, oats, rye, sunflower, wheat (soft white spring, hard red winter, soft red winter), soybeans, rye
DG Global
Burnaby, BC | Saskatoon, SK | Toronto, ON
Canola/rapeseed meal, sunflower (meal), wheat (hard red spring)
Empire Commodities Trading Company LTD
Organic wheat, durum, barley, flax, lentils, peas
Everbest Organics
Munger, MI
Beans (cranberry, black, navy, dark red kidney, white kidney), soybean
Everspring Farms Ltd.
Seaforth, ON | Lakeside, ON
Amaranth, rye, wheat (red fife), beans (dark red kidney, navy, black, pinto, adzuki, Great Northern, mung), lentils (brown, black, green), barley (hulless), chickpeas, quinoa (white), Khorasan, millet, rye, spelt, sunflower, peas (green), flax (golden, brown), buckwheat, corn (popcorn), oats
Export Packers Company Ltd.
Brampton, Ontario
Wheat (durum, einkorn, Khorosan, soft white spring, winter), spelt, rye, peas (green yellow), triticale
Farmer Direct Organic
Regina, SK
Lentils (red, French Green, large green, regenerative), peas (yellow, green), oats (gluten-free, regenerative)
Field Farms Marketing Ltd.
Petrolia, ON
Beans (adzuki, black, black turtle, dark red kidney, red kidney, navy, back eyed peas, cranberry, pinto), barley, lentils (black beluga, French green, large green, red), buckwheat, canola, chickpeas, corn (yellow, blue, white, popcorn), wheat (Durum, einkorn, emmer, hard red spring), flax, sunflower, oats, peas, triticale, soybeans (seed and meal), sunflower, rye, spelt
FW Cobs Company
Mossbank, SK | Stewart, MN | St. Ansgar, IA | Council Bluffs, IA
Feed grains: Corn, barley, wheat, soybeans, peas, screenings, rye, flax (meal)
Genesis Food (Division of PureSource)
Montréal, QC
Barley (hulled), beans (kidney, adzuki, black eyed peas, black, lima, mung, navy, pinto, red kidney), flax (brown, golden), buckwheat (hulled), chickpeas, hemp, lentils (French, green, red split, brown, black), millet, wheat (khorasan), oats (bran, naked, gluten-free), peas (green, yellow), popcorn, quinoa (black, red, white), rye, spelt, soybeans, sunflower (oil)
Global Commodities Traders Inc.
Mississauga, ON
Chickpeas (kabuli), Khorasan, lentils (beluga, French green, small green, small red, large green), peas (green, yellow, split),
Gold Top Manufacturing & Distributing Ltd.
Parkland County, AB
Flax (brown, golden), hemp
Grain Millers
Yorkton, SK | Marion, IN | Newton, WI | Saskatoon, SK | Rycroft, AB | St. Ansgar, IA
Oats, flax, corn, wheat, barley, rye, triticale
Grain Process Enterprises Ltd.
Scarborough, ON
Beans (pinto, dark red kidney beans), corn, wheat (hard white spring, soft spring, hard red spring, red fife), amaranth, Khorasan, barley, quinoa, rye, oats, buckwheat, spelt, lentils (red), flax (brown, golden), millet
Grain St. Laurent (GSL)
Regina, SK
Wheat, oats, flax, barley, soybeans, corn, soybean (meal, oil), hemp, rye
Greenway Animal Nutrition Inc.
Clinton, ON
Barley, buckwheat, canola, corn, flax, oats, rye, peas, soybeans (meal), spelt, wheat
Growers International Organic Sales Inc.
Winnipeg, MB | Killarney, MB | La Salle, MB | Lang, SK | Indian Head, SK | Herbert, SK |
Wheat (hard red spring, Durum, hard white, soft white, red winter), barley (malting), flax (brown, golden), peas (yellow, green), screenings
HFI Healthy Food Ingredients
Fargo, ND, Watertown, SD, Hastings, NB, Moorhead, MN, Valley City, ND
Beans (adzuki, black, red, navy, pinto, black turtle, black-eyed peas, Great Northern, dark red kidney, light red kidney, white kidney), amaranth, barley, buckwheat, canola, corn (yellow, blue, purple, white), flax (golden), oats, kernza, peas (green, yellow), Khorasan, millet, lentils (black, French green, red, yellow, green), quinoa (black, red, white, tri-colour), soybeans (black, yellow), triticale, wheat, sorghum, spelt
Highwood Crossing Foods Ltd.
High River, AB
Brown Flax, Canola, Cereal crops
HPS Food & Ingredients
Saskatoon SK
Hemp, buckwheat, faba beans (low vicene and low tannin varieties)
Inca's Gold
Richmond Hill, ON
Buckwheat (grits), quinoa (red, black, white, tri-colour)
Infraready Products (1998) Limited
Saskatoon, SK
Amaranth, barley, beans (black, navy, red), buckwheat, flax (brown, golden), peas (green), chickpea (Chana Dal, Kabuli), hemp, Khorasan, millet, rye, quinoa (red), spelt, wheat (hard red spring, soft white, purple)
Integrated Grain Ltd.
Winnipeg, MB
Wheat (hard red spring, Red Fife, Durum, soft white spring, winter), lentils, barley, beans, chickpeas, faba beans, flax (brown, golden, milled), buckwheat, canola, peas (green, yellow, split), Khorasan, millet, mustard (yellow, brown), oats, screenings, spelt, sunflower, triticale, hemp, rye
Jaco Commodities LLC
Maurice, IA
Barley, beans (black turtle), canola, corn (blue, yellow), flax, millet, peas (yellow), rye, soybean, wheat
Jones Feed Mills Ltd. DBA The Miller's Stone
Linwood, ON
Soybean, corn, barley, oats
K2 Milling (2821133 Ontario Ltd.)
Rye, wheat (hard red spring, soft red winter), spelt, corn
Lackawanna Products Corp
Clarence, NY
Barley, buckwheat, canola, Corn (blue, white, yellow, popcorn), peas, flax (brown, golden), amaranth, millet, quinoa, rye, soybean, spelt, mixed grain, lentils (red), sorghum, mustard, oats, canola rye, sesame, sunflower, wheat (Durum, feed, hard red spring, hard red winter, hard white spring, hard white winter, soft red winter, soft white winter)
Lakeland Feeds Inc. (Lakeland Farms)
Salmon Arm, BC
Barley, peas, corn, soybean (meal), canola (meal), wheat
Les Grains Haribec Inc.
St-Aime, QC
Beans (white navy, cranberry, black, dark red kidney, white kidney
Les Viandes du Breton inc.
St-Bernard, QC | St-Marc-des-Carrieres, QC
Feed: wheat (Einkorn, durum), soybean, oats, peas, buckwheat, mixed cereals, spring triticale, winter rye, corn, lentils, barley
Luthi Grains Inc.
Levis, QC
Barley, corn, oats, peas, soybean, wheat, spelt
Lyft Commodity Trading Ltd.
Vancouver, BC
Barley, corn, peas (yellow, green, split), rye, lentils (black, large red, red, large green, Richlea - small green, green, French Green, split), oats, pumpkin seed protein, wheat (hard red spring, hard white spring, hard white winter, hard red winter, soft white spring, Red Fife, Einkorn, Durum, middlings, Khorasan), buckwheat, chickpeas, flax (brown, golden), buckwheat, millet, mustard, screenings
Market Place Commodities Ltd.
Fort MacLead, AB | Picture Butte, AB | Bentley, AB
Durum, barley, buckwheat, oats, flax, wheat (hard red spring, soft white spring), rye, spelt, chickpeas, lentils, mustard, Khorsan, peas
Marquis Milling (Nunweiler's Flour Company)
Hague, SK
Barley (hulless), beans (pinto), flax (golden), buckwheat, wheat (durum, hard red spring, soft wheat, red fife), rye, Khorasan, lentils (black, French Green, green, red), spelt, oats
Midwest Organic Farmers Coop
Piper City, IL
Barley, corn, beans, flax, millet, oats, rye, soybean, sunflowers, triticale
Moulees Faubert 2015 (9332-0034 Quebec Inc.)
Huntingdon, QC
Corn, oats, peas, soybeans
Moulin de Charlevoix
Baie-St-Paul, QC
Oats, wheat, Khorasan, spelt, rye, buckwheat
Moulin Lacoste Inc.
Sainte-Claire, QC
Oats, wheat (hard, soft, durum), Khorasan, barley, spelt, corn, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, rye, flax
Mumm's Sprouting Seeds
Parkside, SK
Beans (adzuki, cranberry, mung), faba beans, amaranth (red), wheat (khorasan, hard red spring, hard red winter), barley (hulls on, hulless), lentils (crimson, black, French, large green, small green), mustard (brown, oriental, yellow), oats (hulless), peas (green, yellow, marrowfat), corn (popcorn), quinoa (black), rye, sesame (black, white), spelt, sunflower (oilseed), flax (brown), chickpeas
Natural Way Mills Trust
Middle River, MN
Beans (black), lentils, corn (popcorn)
Nature's Organic Grist
North Forest Lake, MN
Barley (food and feed), Beans (navy, black, pinto, Great northern, dark red kidney, white kidney), buckwheat, corn (food and feed), wheat (durum, einkorn, emmer, feed, spring), flax, chickpeas, Khorasan, lentils (black, Eston, green, red), peas (food and feed), millet, oats, rye, soybeans, spelt
New Century Commodities International Inc.
Armstrong, BC
Barley (seeds, flour), beans (black, kidney, pinto), buckwheat, canola (unrefined oil, cold pressed oil, seed), chickpeas, corn, faba beans, flax (seed, cake, oil), hemp, Khorasan, lentils (French Green, large green, red, small green), millet, mustard, oats (kernels, rolled), peas (green, yellow, split), quinoa, rye, sorghum, soybean (seed, meal, oil), spelt, sunflower (kernel, meal), triticale, wheat (hard red spring, Durum, hard red winter, soft white spring, white wheat flour, whole wheat flour)
NewMarket Inc.
Tisdale, SK
Cereals, forages, grasses, pulses and specialty crops
North Amercan Organic Trade Solutions
Regina, SK
Lentils (large green, red, split), peas (green, yellow, split)
NutraSun Foods
Regina, SK
Canada Western (Red Spring, Hard White Spring, Red Winter) Wheat Canada Prairie Spring Red Wheat
Oak Manor Farms
Tavistock, ON
Spelt, oats, rye, corn (popcorn), flax, millet, sunflowers, barley, lentils (black beluga, green, red), wheat (hard red spring, soft), Khorasan, beans (pinto, adzuki, mung, navy, black turtle, red kidney, dark red kidney), amaranth, chick peas, peas (green, yellow), barley, quinoa (red), rye, sunflower
One Degree Organic Foods
Abbotsford, BC
Flax, lentils (green), hemp, amaranth, corn, quinoa, sunflower
Ontario Specialty Grains (1703140 Ontario Inc.)
Tillsonburg, ON
Corn, soybeans (OAC Bruton), oats, peas (black, yellow), rye, triticale
Organic Partners International, LLC
Portland, OR
Quinoa (red, tricoloured, white), beans (light red kidney, dark red kidney, white kidney, lima, pinto, cranberry, adzuki, black, Great Northern, mung, anasazi, black, navy, pink, red), chickpeas, barley, peas (green), millet, buckwheat, flax, soybeans, wheat (Durum), lentils (black, black beluga, Laird, green, French Green, Eston/green, red), oats
Parrheim Foods (P & H Milling Group - a Division of Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd.)
Saskatoon, SK
Peas (green, yellow)
PHS Organics
Radville, SK
Kamut, flax, lentils (green), wheat (Durum, hard red spring), barley, peas
Port Royal Mills Ltd.
Aurora, ON
Oats, amaranth, flax (brown, golden), chick pea, wheat (red fife, soft white), spelt, Khorasan, millet, barley (hulless), quinoa, rye, sunflower, beans (black)
Prairie Ag Commodity Trading Inc.
Saskatoon, SK
Flax, hemp, peas (green, yellow), oats, wheat, barley
Prairie Premium Products Inc.
Bagot, MB
Flax (brown, golden), peas (yellow)
Professional Proteins, Ltd.
Washington, IA
Soybean, corn, flax, sorghum, barley, wheat middlings, peas, oats
Puris Foods
Oskaloosa, IA | Randolph, MN | Turtle Lake, WI | Wilmington, IL
Peas (yellow)
Red River Global Ingredients
Winkler, MB
Sunflower (hulled - Chinese), millet (hulled), flax (brown, golden), oats, pumpkin (kernels - Chinese)
Rudy Agro
Outlook, SK
Beans (black, yellow, pinto, cranberry), peas, chickpeas, lentils
Schmidt Flour Inc.
Maple Creek, SK
Flax, wheat (Durum, hard red wheat, soft wheat), Khorasan, spelt, rye, barley, lentils (large green, small red)
Semences Nicolet (1991) Inc.
Nicolet, QC
Oats, wheat, corn, barley, peas, soybeans, buckwheat, triticale
SemiCan Inc.
Plessisville, QC
Buckwheat, corn, wheat (durum), barley (feed), peas (green, yellow), oats (hulled, hulless), barley (malting), mixed grains, soybeans (roasted), rye
Shafer Commodities Inc.
Morden, MB | Vancouver, BC
Barley, rye, wheat (Durum, hard red spring, soft white spring), flax (seed, oil), peas
Shah Trading Co Ltd.
Scarborough, ON; St. Laurent, QC
Flax (brown, golden), buckwheat, beans (cannellini, dark red kidney, white kidney, mung, navy, pinto, Romano), chickpeas, wheat, hemp, lentils (French Green, red, green), peas (green, yellow), oats, corn (yellow, popcorn), millet, barley, quinoa (red, tri-colour, white), soybeans, sunflower, spelt
Toronto, ON
Quinoa, beans (adzuki, mung), chickpeas, buckwheat, lentils (green), sunflower, spelt
Smirk's Ltd.
Fort Morgan, CO
Peas (green, yellow), lentils (red, green), chickpeas, quinoa, wheat (Durum), oats, barley, flax (seed, meal), hemp, canola (seed, meal)
Sollio Group Cooperatif
Montréal, QC | Mount Forest, ON
Corn, soybeans, wheat, barley, oat, canola. specialty grains.
Soya Excel Inc.
Saint-Charles-Sur-Richelieu, QC | Beloeil, QC
Soybean, corn, sesame seed
Sprague Foods Ltd.
Belleville, ON
Beans (black, red kidney, pinto), peas, lentils (red), chickpeas, corn
St. Paul Seed Processors & Exporters
Saint Paul, AB
Barley, peas, hemp, mustard, oats, wheat
St.-Lawrence Beans, Division of Agrocentre Belcan Inc.
Sainte-Marthe, QC | Winchester, ON
Soybean (meal, oil, split), sesame seed
Stonehenge Global Seeds Inc. (Stonehenge Organics)
Assiniboia, SK
Lentils (black, large green, French green, small red), flax (brown, golden), millet, peas (yellow, green), canola, oats , wheat (durum)
SureSource Commodities
Petrolia, ON : Chaplin, SK | Lignite, ND
Barley (food and feed), canola (food and feed, seed, meal, oil), corn (feed - cracked, flaked, ground, hominy, pisingallo), flax (food and feed - brown, golden), khorasan, mixed grains, oats (food and feed), peas (yellow, split), soybean (feed - roasted, ground, hulls, meal, oil), screenings, sorghum, spelt, wheat (food and feed - durum, hard red spring, soft white spring, hard white spring), buckwheat, wheat midds, beans (adzuki, black, black kidney, black turtle, cranberry, mung, Great Northern, small red, pinto, navy, red kidney)
Terra Ingredients
Minneapolis, MN
Flax (brown, golden), beans, corn, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, oats, wheat, rye, barley, lentils, chickpeas, peas, corn, soybeans, canola
The Andersons Canada Ltd.
Blenheim, ON
Corn, soybean, wheat, spelt, rye, beans ( black, white)
The Scottish Mill Ltd.
DeWinton, AB
Wheat (Einkorn, Red Fife, soft white spring, hard red spring), spelt, rye, oats, millet, barley (purple)
Tradin Organic Global Ingredients
Scotts Valley, CA
Beans (adzuki, red kidney, white kidney, navy, black turtle, mung), lentils (brown, red, green, yellow, French, beluga - split, football, water or oil polished), chickpeas, amaranth, hemp, flax, mustard, sesame, pumpkin, poppy, sunflower (kernels, oil, seed protein), buckwheat, corn (popcorn), oats, millet, wheat, teff, spelt, sorghum, quinoa
Westaqua Commodity Group Ltd.
North Vancouver, BC
Feed crops: Barley (hulless), canola (seed, meal), corn (hominy), faba beans, flax (seed, meal), wheat midds (loose, pellets), lentils, oats (seed, groats), peas, soybean (meal), sunflower (meal), triticale, wheat (seed, flour), rye, screenings (pellets)
Western Grain Trading Americas Inc.
Kirkland, QC
Corn (kernel, cracked), sesame, soybean (meal, oil, hulls), wheat, flax (meal, seed), wheat
Wilbur-Ellis Company of Canada
Lethbridge County, AB
Barley, Wheat (hard white spring, Durum, Emmer, hard red spring), canola (seed, meal, oil), corn, flax (brown, golden, seed, oil, meal), hemp, Khorasan, lentils, millet, mustard, oats, rye, peas, soybean, sunflower (oil), triticale
Willow Creek Organic Grain Co. Inc.
Wheatland County, AB
Flax (golden, brown), oats, beans (black turtle, pinto, red kidney), peas (green, yellow), hemp, lentils (beluga, large green), chickpeas, barley, wheat (hard red spring), sunflower, quinoa
WS Feed & Supplies
Mount Forest, ON
Wheat, corn, soybean, barley, oats, peas
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